Geteilte Welten is an audiowalk, a sonic intervention into Berlin Tiergarten’s memory landscapes and an artistic research project by Miriam Schickler.
In German the word “geteilt” means both divided and shared. Geteilte Welten are thus worlds that are simultaneously shared and divided; notwithstanding their segregation through disciplinary categorisation, codification and fragmentation which maintain systemic domination, these worlds continue to intersect with each other.
Geteilte Welten reads the different Holocaust memorials as well as other public sites in Berlin Tiergarten through one another for their various entanglements. By being attentive to what gets excluded as well as what comes to matter, Geteilte Welten strives to become more attuned to how differences are created in the world, and what particular effects they have on subjects, their lives and bodies today. By oscillating across multiple modes of knowing and sensing Geteilte Welten hopes to enable possibilities of remembering and commemorating otherwise; it hopes to open up a space where grief cannot just be re-appropriated, but where it can be re-formulated in order to mourn together and across communities for all the worlds that have been destroyed by state violence.